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Weekend in Pictures

Dining room painting

Coco, the apprentice.

Fresh eggs from Coco and Nigella. Gigi and Bettina are on strike.

Rolling out the pastry.

Yes, I became distracted and they burnt.

Collecting firewood… city style.

Our wood fire oven.

Coffee at Shucked.

My parents pool.

FInally got around to painting these.

Passionfruit, in bloom.

Here is the second installment of ‘Weekend in Pictures’. It was particularly wet here in Brisbane over the weekend. We painted some of our new dining room. Our little chicken Coco came upstairs to see what was happening, she is very curious like that.

I decided to trick myself into believing it really is autumn in Brisbane, not some hot and humid tropical city where I dream of wearing cardigans and knitted scarves and made little individual ‘Tarte aux Pomme’… albeit a little burnt…..

Timothy O and I gathered fire wood together ‘city style’ from a local furniture maker’s skip for our wood fire oven. We then had a night time feast of lamb.

We caught up with Timothy O’s folks for a morning coffee and breakfast at a local cafe. We then visited my family too and I thought about going for a swim as it was so hot.

Came home and undercoated some outdoor furniture, which I had been meaning to do for a while. Then we discovered our passionfruit vine is full of passion, which made us very happy!

How was your weekend?

K x


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5 Comments to “Weekend in Pictures”

  1. I love it when we get to see Miss Coco!!! She is such a beauty – full of grace and knowledge. What a great weekend. We worked all day Saturday and then went shopping for Jason =. what is it about shopping for boys that makes you spend half the time and twice the budget? Fingers crossed you bring me a Tarte aux Pomme today!

  2. I LOVE your wood oven, and I love taking photos of them. Every time my Dad light his at home, I take photos, it’s getting a little bit ridiculous. I had a no wedding weekend, and to be honest it was bliss! I didn’t have to dress up whatsoever, so I wore my tracky pants a lot…so I was very comfortable all weekend. xxx

    • Bliss….. a comfortable weekend….. I love that, where you don’t have to brush your hair or do your makeup…. perfect Jo! x

  3. I love these weekend updates! Coco is the sweetest. We’re getting some hens when we get home from the battery hen adoption project in Brisbane. They go in and save hens that would otherwise be killed after their laying output slows down. Apparently they’ll be featherless to start with, so not as cute as little Coco!! x

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