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Weekend in Pictures

Shutters for the bathroom.

Timothy O’s hinged glasshouses.

We hedged.

Played with these cute mops for a bit.

Found these chairs!

Thought I would start a new little segment here on the blog called ‘Weekend in Pictures’, just some quick snaps of our weekend. I don’t usually post on Mondays,  as I’m buzzing around getting the week ahead sorted and still wondering where the weekend went to… at least this way I can see where all the time was spent over the weekend…..

Well, we had the market on Saturday, which was a cracker of a Market! Thank you all who came by to see us and I hope you are loving your new found treasures!

Timothy O and I then decided we would do some bits around the house over Saturday afternoon and Sunday, which is sort of standard for us. When you renovate you tend to collect a lot of shit  salvaged materials, very useful when the right project pops up if the right project doesn’t pop up, then you just end up with endless piles of old shit laying around everywhere. We decided to use a few of our salvaged materials for some projects.

We made a pair of bathroom shutters out of some old VJ’s to go on the window above our bath – very french. I get such a thrill opening and closing them!

Timothy O, feeling inspired by this glasshouse made some hinged little glasshouses for our veggie patch from old windows from our house. Did you know that if you want to eat from your garden each day, then you need to plant something each day too… gosh.

We then got the front hedges back in order; with all of this rain and heat our hedges had turned into rather large green leafy monsters.

Hung out with the girls.

Then I found a perfect set of four swivel chairs in the most delicious buttermilk colour! I am still tossing up as to whether I should sell them or keep them… story of my life. Ha.

That was it… that was our weekend. We also celebrated being engaged for a year; Yay!

What did you do?

K xx


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8 Comments to “Weekend in Pictures”

  1. I totally want shutters and had never thought of making them from old vjs – you are a genius! Now to just get Jason on board!!! Great to hear you had a fabulous weekend. Hope to see you soon xx

  2. loved seeing your weekend. what a productive time you had. glad you had a great market. sorry I couldn’t pop by, I was busy busy too. have a good week Miss K. x

  3. Oh please do keep this up Kara, I love seeing what you two are up to and getting inspired! We did something v exciting yesterday.. We strolled into a nice Danish furniture store yesterday after our brunch with Cals dad, and walked out with a massive reindeer skin for our cold feet at home! It’s beautiful and travelled all the way from Lapland. (above sweden). We had a jersey cow hide in mind forever and got so much more excited when we saw our dear reindeer! xx (I’ll send you a pic)

    • Ok… I try to keep it a running theme Vic – Glad you approve! Yes, please send through the reindeer shot. Would love to see it! K x

  4. i love everything about this post.. Keep them coming! I especially relate to the never ending piles of shit that i seem to “collect”.. I’ve got this darling old stained glass window panel sitting above our mantel as my husband thinks i am bonkers for wanting to hang it.. :( By the way what is an old VJ’S? Very interested.. x

    • Hi Katherine! VJ’s are solid tongue and groove wood lining. Used on Queenslander’s predominately….. I love the sound of your old stained glass window! x

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