Frankie Does Sydney
©Kara Rosenlund
I can not wait! Timothy O and I are just about to leave for the road trip from Brisbane to Sydney with Frankie the Caravan….. I feel so exited and a little nervous … everything has been packed and wrapped for this weekend’s market pop up at The School….. I have had some amazing help this week to put the finishing touches on the trip…. my wonderful mother has been my assistant this week – thank you Mum, I couldn’t have got it all finished without you… The sewing guru Sally O from Studio Sixty lent a had to sew me up a storm.
I’ll be updating the blog with ‘Postcards from the Road’… you can also see the trip unfold over on instagram and our Facebook page.
See you soon Sydney!
K x
I love this set of photos. Totally epitomises the feeling of a road trip! Have a safe and wonderful trip! You are most welcome with the sewing – anytime! Wind in your hair and Rolling Stones on the stereo – open road here you come! xx
Thank you Sally! Oh yeh….. it was definitely a windows down…. hair catching the breeze sort of journey. xx
Published your arrival in Sydney on my page. It looks so fabulous. Hoping to make it over for a look – Carolyn.
Hi Desire Empire….. thank you so much! Aren’t you so kind! Thank you x
Kara how exciting. Want to make an extra detour and come visit me on the South Coast? I'm only 2.5h South of Sydney? Corrina Tough
I would of loved to Corrina….. I have never been to the South Coast…. maybe next time. x