SA Vignette Class THIS SUNDAY
©Kara Rosenlund
South Australia friends…… The School are in town in Adelaide with their Road Show consisting of lot of exciting classes which I am part of. If you would like to learn the language of Vignettes then please come along. I share all I know doused with my tips and tricks to build a beautiful and strong still life. There are still a couple of tickets left for Sunday from 3pm til 5.30pm at The Props Department, 12 Logan street Adelaide, SA. To book please pop on over to The School’s website
See you there
K x
P.S This has now sold out – thank you very much x
Fabulous for you Kara. Well done and what a lovely idea. Can't wait to get my hands on your book. How and when and where? Are you doing any more vignette classes in Melbourne or Sydney in 2015 or early 2016 too btw?
Where do we go to get a copy Kara? When will you do anymore Vignette classes too btw?