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Stories from The Australia Collection – Part 1


Thank you so much everyone for the amazing support of my book pre-release. The response has been truly overwhelming!!! We do still have more available in the shop – get in quick!

I’d also love to let everyone know that I’ve added a collection of 12 of my favourite prints from the book in the online shop. Available in three sizes, they are all printed to order, signed & handled by me.

There’s also a nifty new product for everyone who has ordered a book. If you fall in love with an image in the book that’s not in the shop already you can have it custom printed in any of the three sizes. More about that here.

I thought over the next few weeks I could tell you a bit more about the story behind each print in the collection from Shelter.


When I started this huge project I’ve got to say it was a bit daunting. I’d get up every morning EARLY – always early for the light – and start searching and seeking. Not knowing how it would end up – if I’d have anything worthy at the end of the day.

I would start the day always excited to start documenting what was around me at that point, never knowing if what I’d captured would be used. Just following the light.

I was staying with a friend in the area, along the Surf Coast of Victoria, and I’d been there for a couple of days. It was summer so it was really hot and the sun was up really early. This particular morning I jumped in my car and went for a drive.

I parked and hit the dirt. I wanted out of the car. The light was so strong and vibrant I wanted to see what I could find.

I’m walking along, getting the sand in my sandals, feeling the heat on my face and following a hunch of what could be out there.

I found this, and it immediately felt special.


I had to jump a few fences to get this shot!

I was driving along the east coast of Tasmania, visiting a shack on the beach. The beauty about this part of Tasmania is that it really is where the land falls away into the ocean. To get to the ocean I had to get through a field of sheep. They were very curious. We had a staring competition…. and they won! View this print in the shop here.

P.S. Have you seen I’m taking my show on the road? There are book parties/exhibitions/pop-up shop events! You’re invited!



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