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You and Me

Happy Valentine’s Day…..  How beautiful are these shots of Paul Newman and Joanna Woodward! They had real proper love.

Joanna Woodward: “Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that’s a real treat.”

In response to an invite to the Playboy Mansion, Paul Newman was quoted saying, ”I have steak at home. Why go out for hamburger?” 

Keeping on the ‘Love Theme’, here is a handful of my current favourite blogs which I love and that put a smile on my face each day!






Studio Sixty

Nikole Ramsay

Table Tonic

Pretty Stuff


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5 Comments to “You and Me”

  1. Awww you guys!!!! Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward are THE BEST! Talented, honest, real and in love. Second only to Richard and Elizabeth – I mean how can you say not to their pure fire and sizzle??? Especially on Valentine’s Day. Thanks for the shout out too! xx

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