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Passion Fruit Cake




rosenlund_004©Kara Rosenlund

You may of noticed it’s been a little quiet around here on the blog over the last couple of days and there was no ‘Weekend in Pictures’ this week… I did shoot it, however I didn’t feel like uploading it…. one of our little chickens Cecelia passed away unexpectedly and it was all too sad and too much.

In light of this I have been spending a lot of time in the garden watching the girls and appreciating the pure joy nature brings…. which leads me to passion fruit. We have a lot of passion fruit at the moment thanks to our glossy green passion fruit vines Timothy O planted, so I made a passion fruit cake inspired by our backyard. It is a dense cake with the zing of passion fruit juice and lemon. I strained the pulp from the seeds, as I’m not always such a fan of the crunch of the seeds. It is better suited to a ring type cake tin, I used an old decorative bundt tin.

K x

** Passionfruit seems to be spelt both as Passion Fruit and Passionfruit.

  • 10 passionfruit, halved
  • 185g unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind
  • 1 cup caster sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 2/3 cup pouring cream
  • 2 1/2 cups self-raising flour


  • 1 1/2 cups pure icing sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon butter, softened
  • A dash of water if you need it

Preheat oven to 180 degrees and grease your bundt or fluted ring tin.

Halve, strain and push the passion fruit pulp through a strainer over a jug. Place butter, lemon rind, sugar, eggs, passionfruit juice, cream and flour in a bowl. Using an electric mixer, beat on low speed until combined. Increase speed to high. Beat for 2 to 3 minutes or until pale.

Spread mixture into prepared tin. Bake for 40 – 50 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Stand in pan for 10 minutes, then cool on cooling rack.

Make glace icing: Combine icing sugar, lemon juice and butter in a small bowl. Stir with a wooden spoon until a spreadable consistency. Dot over the rim of the cake so the icing gently cascades down the side.


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13 Comments to “Passion Fruit Cake”

  1. The second pic almost looks like a painting : stunning!
    Thank you for this recipe :)
    Big hugs for the loss of one of your girls, we can get so attached to our pets, it’s unbelievable how they just become part of a family while still being them. I always look at my dog with fondness and think how she seems to be so content with herself, living in the now, not worrying about tomorrow, not moaning about the past, I think pets are so clever in their own way and there is a great deal we can take on from them… Hope you feel better soon! Xx

  2. So sad indeed. Gorgeous post as always.
    I’m so glad someone else shares my dislike for the crunch of a passionfruit seed! Never liked it myself, yet love the flavour. I find baking the best remedy for grief. That and time, hope both get you there. xx

  3. I was so sorry to hear of the loss of your lovely Cecilia. It is always terrible to have a beloved pet pass and it takes a long time for the sadness to go. I still miss our beloved Coopah everyday.
    Your cake looks gorgeous and your images as always.
    Ness xx

  4. Sympathy to you. You do get so attached to these girls, I know I am. At least she had a lovely life in your garden. Your passion fruit vine looks so healthy and prolific. Love your styling. Amazing photos. So thankful to have found your lovely blog curtesy of Ness. I hope you are soon feeling more up, but at least you have your lovely memories.
    Karen NZ

  5. How much strained passionfruit pulp should I add to the mixture – 1/2 cup? 1 cup? My passion fruits are all yielding different amounts of juice after straining. Pauline

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