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Pia Jane Bijkerk


Isn’t the internet a funny thing… more so blogs…. Sometimes I feel like I know the bloggers I follow…. even though I have never met them in real life… I feel so connected to them personally through reading about their lives and what they share.

One such person is Pia Jane Bijkerk. In my head she is my best friend and we hang out at her place in Sydney all the time … we do paper craft together well, I watch her do paper craft, because I’m rubbush at craft… we sit at her kitchen table drinking milkie chai together that’s her favourite, read it on the blog and then sometimes we might go for a walk around her suburb pushing her baby girl in the pram, admiring all the small things that I am usually too busy to notice, like morning rain jewelled spiderwebs and dried wild suburban flowers…

Bloggers really do give and share so much of themselves in each post, I know I do. So when I heard that my best friend Pia needed a hand getting her next book up off the ground I was more than happy to lend a hand, aka a bit of coin…. after all she has given me so much delight over the years reading her blog, so really it’s just fair to cash in the chips.

If you too would like to help my best friend Pia fund her next book please go here… It’s super easy. Pia has registered with Pozible, a site to help pledge exciting ventures like this one…. it is actually a bit urgent… there are only 51 hours left to make the pledge possible and if Pia doesn’t make her goal there will be no book… please pledge if you can, there are many options, it is basically just like pre-ordering the book.

K xx


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2 Comments to “Pia Jane Bijkerk”

  1. First of all .. I thought we were best friends .. Remember when I was at your wedding and there was that piano and we go out each morning to collect eggs from the girls .. I tell you about my life and you talk about your ninja courier or your frustration of your wysteria growing so slow .. We paint e wry thing white together and get up at 3 am to do your market stall with your caravan Frankie. .. Oh hang on I read that ALL on your blog ! Haha! I know exactly what you mean ! Funny thing isn’t it .. Ps .. I do love Pia second best .. ;) Xxx

    • Hahaha… See… it’s crazy Kat! We all know what is happening with other peoples lives who we have never met before… crazy… and also so much fun! xxxx You are too funny! I laughed out loud! xx

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