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Weekend in Pictures


©Kara Rosenlund

Weekend in Pictures… how was your weekend? It was unexpectedly hot here for autumn  I was dreaming of swimming, it was that hot …. and looking back it was rather actioned packed! Saturday morning came around and I was up with the sun to feed the chickens and pack for a shoot.


 After the shoot Timothy O and I went to the local nursery and picked up a few new grasses and succulents for the hen house’s roof top garden. Just recently we decided to convert the roof of the hen house into a garden, mainly so the garden acts as insulation and keeps the girls cooler in the heat they are so spoilt.… plus it looks rather pretty looking down on it from the deck…


  Timothy O adding a few new varieties….

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I also picked up elderflower and pomegranate seedlings for the veggie patch… I like the idea of making elderflower tea when it gets a bit bigger and blooms …


  More seedlings bound for the veggie patch… and hopefully not to get squashed by the girls..


…. the girls having the best time digging for worms and squashing the new seedlings….


 I picked up this table through the week and come Saturday afternoon I decided to give it a sand to remove the thick old green paint to see what was underneath….


Sunday morning rolled around and it was a quick breakfast on the run …. no time for the usual sit down breakfast…. I wanted to get an early start at our local farmers market….


  … As I was rushing out the door I noticed a magnolia bud had bloomed in the front garden a rarity in itself, so I quickly snipped it off ….. or else the delicate milky petals would of been scorched and ruined in no time by the sun…


At the market I picked up some beeswax for my collection of wooden spoons they had been looking a bit dry…. I left the spoons and the beeswax out in the sun to make the wax more pliable to rub into the spoons to give them some moisture….



 I also picked up some quail eggs… they are so beautiful. I love all the different colours and patterns…..  we had them later; boiled for not long, then shelled and served with celeriac salt….


To my sheer delight I came across these molds… Funny how things work out… I had been meaning to look for some of these french ‘barquette molds’ on the internet so I could make a special chestnut and chocolate dessert to share on the blog… then unexpectedly in front of me were a whole stack of them… old, heavy and the real deal… I snatched them up quick smart…


 I have been spending a lot of time with Trixie; she is such a spirited little chicken with such character and curiosity… she talks / cackles all the time…..since her best friend Cecelia died a couple of weeks back, Trixie has been really anxious, though is slowly being accepted by the other girls… however they are still pecking her around her eyes….  She melts my heart.


I also decided it was time to cut my little scattering of dahlias… I planted a lot of bulbs a while back, however not all of them took, the girls had a fun time digging them up…. I think there is a pattern forming here…..



    By late afternoon Timothy O and I then called it a day and stopped work around the house and had a late lunch… I threw down a picnic rug, shucked some oysters, boiled up a couple of crabs and we had old school crab sandwiches…




I then noticed the paint had dried on the table, so we brought it upstairs and did the usual furniture reshuffle….


…. then we sat here all night chatting about the week ahead, our weekend and and how much we love our new old table….

Hope you had a great weekend.

K x



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19 Comments to “Weekend in Pictures”

  1. i feel like i just read some kind of guidebook on good housekeeping and families or something… that’s the only way to describe your wonderful weekend! it sounded so peaceful and your pictures that accompanied it were just beautiful…

    • Thank you c_for_court ….. we love to recharge at home before another busy week. Thank you for your comment. Have a good week. x

  2. I just love your photos and stories…so lovely! I also love your new table, the colour you have chosen is so restful. What a very productive weekend! (wish i could say the same)..

  3. I adore your photos. A few weeks ago I sanded my first timber table with a machine. As I’m legally blind, I felt so empowered with that sander vibrating under my hands! Your new table looks gorgeous!

    • Thank you lucent imagery…. power tools are very exciting under hand…. I can imagine you would of felt very empowered. Hope your table came up well. Thank you very much for your comment, Have a great week K x

  4. A very full weekend! Looking forward to seeing progress on your hen house roof.
    My local greengrocer sells quails eggs and I sometimes buy them, mainly to look at, they are so pretty! x

  5. oh, you beeswax your spoons? i shall try it. i’ve been writing about bees, and wax & honey have been coming up all week. the table is perfect, do you use chalk paint? beautiful weekend. x elisa

    • Yes… its the best thing to keep your spoons and boards in top condition…. plus it is all natural Elisa….. just regular paint. Have a great week. xx

  6. Just how a weekend should be. Some work around the house, a bit of pottering out and about and most importantly, time for beautiul chats with your beloved and delicious food. Perfect! Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday lovely Kara :) x

  7. Beautiful images.. I have a little query..! Where are those cushions with the chevron detail from!? They are just what I have been looking for! Thankyou!

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