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Market Reminder!

Hope to see you tomorrow!
I have spent the day preparing and pricing stock and I must say that I really think I have out done myself this time – I can measure this by how much I actually want to keep and NOT sell! Hahaha!
Just finished packing the ute, plus the inside of Frankie and had to make an SOS call to my wonderful parents and ask them to take some stock into the market in their ute too for tomorrow! Thank you Mum and Dad! I love you!
Available will be a fantastic and an ‘en masse’ array of flatware, french tumblers, pickling jars (perfect proportions for vases), glass cake stands, a huge collection of baking tins in various shapes and sizes and really so much more. You simply just must come! So much beautiful stock to share!
I’m so excited! Delirious in fact! (apologies for any spelling errors).
Early night for me!
Hope to see you there!
K xx


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