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Weekend in Pictures – Sanding

Sunrise over the park

Market Stock at Travelling Wares

More stock on the trestle tables

Sanding the dining room after the market

The fire roaring in our half finished fireplace

Sunday morning reading; Baskets how I love you

Passionfruit from our vine and lemons from my new friend Dave at the farmers market

Passionfruit and Lemon Shortbread

The floorboards

Timothy O doing some detail work with the orbital

Builders Tea and biscuits; uplifting for the spirit

Changing furniture around

Some of my most treasured bits

Relaxing on the sofa…. thinking about how exactly I’m going to tackle deboning a rabbit …

Then we watched ‘My Week with Marilyn’

How was your weekend? What did you get up to? We had our last Travelling Wares Market at the Powerhouse (we will be back in early August)... and what a market it was! Lots of lovely customers came by to say hello… plus lots of new faces too!

Come pack up time there wasn’t really too much left on the trestle tables, which makes sense as to why we were a little run off our feet!

At home we then sanded the dining room floorboards getting them ready for the white washing that I will be doing this week- I’m on a mission – I want to get the inside of our house completed before we get married, and there isn’t too much time left!

We then lit and watched the soon to be marble clad and finished fire place (you guessed it – it’s on the ‘To Do’ list also!)

Sunday morning I managed to squeeze in some time to flip through a new/old book I just picked up on Basketry. I find the older I get the more I’m loving baskets and the more I seem to buy!

I then decided to make some shortbread using our passionfruit from the garden and the most amazing lemons from the market. I don’t usually bake biscuits, actually, I never bake biscuits, I’m more of a cake baker, yet I decided to give them a wurl. Nothing like tea and biscuits to lift the spirits of renovating!  Note, there is no recipe for this shortbread; I wasn’t that impressed and Timothy O claimed they tasted like chicken (…. we did have a roast chicken the night before….maybe I should of cleaned the oven before I baked biscuits…eek!)

I then cleaned and rearranged and cleaned some more (is there such a thing as ‘Wedding Nesting’ ? ? !!), then before I knew it it was time to get dinner happening – Rabbit from the farmers market with Polenta.  I decided to not take photographs of me deboning a rabbit, though if you are interested here is the link that I used as a guide.

Then we watched ‘My Week with Marilyn’ which I thoroughly enjoyed…. though I did think a lot about that little rabbit.

K x

P.S There will be a post on white washing floors this week. I know there are a few of you out there that want to know more, so check in this week!


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17 Comments to “Weekend in Pictures – Sanding”

  1. Rabbit!!!!! I’m not too sure about that…I love rabbits and can’t imagine why anyone would want to EAT one!!! Looks like a very productive weekend…I did nothing but sat in front of my fireplace drinking far too much wine stitching blankets for a friend. xx

    • ….. you stitched blankets for a friend Sally…. why on earth would you want to be stitching blankets for a friend… you and the wine should of been out having a raging time somewhere… not at home stitching…. :)

  2. yay, yay, yay to the post on white washing the floors!!! I’ll be waiting eagerly. We’re still battling on with the painting. It’s taking waay longer than we planned. I’m on the same page as you – trying desparately to finish the house before our wedding in October. I get a little stressed looking around with only 1 room painted and no furniture besides a bed and a table!! You’re way ahead of us!

    • It has taken us over two years Karmin and we work on the house every weekend…..and we are still not finished…. I’m not sure if you will meet your October deadline….maybe just make it a painting deadline…. you should be enjoying the wedding planning! x

  3. Oh my! We white washed all the floors in our previous home and I swore never to do it again… My poor husband ended up with liquid built up in the knees yuck! For our current project we are going to use lime wax, hoppefully it will be quicker and less torturous. Good luck guys, only one room to go, i am sure it will look fabulous!
    I am writting from France, spending summer there and going crazy at flea markets… And eating rabbit! Xoxo

  4. Kara you continually amaze me with your energy and zest for life (must be those amazing lemons from the market!). I’m sure there is such thing as wedding nesting!

  5. I love your blog so much Kara! You and Timothy O are going to love road tripping In NZ. My husband is a Kiwi so I have spent lots of time there over the years. You are going to love the vintage vibe there & you will certainly find lots of vintage treasure.
    Good luck with all your wedding preparations, I can imagine it will be a divine celebration in your true style – Divine that is!

    • Thanks Kellie! We are really looking forward to a break and just to be able to meander through NZ and stop and start when ever we want! Very excited! Yay! xxx

  6. We have just bought a home which has a mix of different types of floorboards that the previous owners seem to have had a go at staining darker…without great success. I hope to whitewash them but I’m wondering whether previous ‘work’ might effect the result.
    I love that raw look of freshly sanded floorboards..looking forward to watching the progress.

    • Hi Kati….. essentially the answer is yes. It just depends on how thick your boards are, how many ‘sands’ they have had in their floorboard ‘life span’ and how far the previous owner sanded them down in the pursuit to achieve the dark boards. As long as you erase all of the previous varnishes it will work well. I will be doing a post later in the week about achieving a white wash effect. Thanks for your comment, K x

  7. Kara may I ask what white have you used on the walls? It looks like it has a grey/ black undertone on my monitor but reads very soft and beautiful. Gorgeous.

    • Thanks Kati! We used Porters Paints in Popcorn with an eggshell finish. It works very well for our house and the natural light here. x

  8. Hi Kara, I have just found u, and all your advice re white washing timber floors. Ours are Cyprus Pine, and we r having them professionally done, and I have noted your comments re Porters' Paints.
    Thanks for your blog about doing your floors – I now know how to proceed.
    Just wondering, now it is 4 years later, how happy u still are with them, and how they have stood up to time and wear.
    Did u do an Estapol top coat ???
    Thanks, Verity

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