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Weekend in Pictures


©Kara Rosenlund

What a weekend it was…. we were at the farmers market here in Brisbane and as I was setting up the stall at 4.30pm in the dark all I could see was the sky lighting up… not from the sun rising, rather strikes of lightenng and rumbles of thunder….shit not ideal conditions for an outdoor market….. eeeekkkk…. Oh, well… what can you do…..


…. I decided to have a kip in Frankie the caravan until the rain passed……


… our beautiful wares on the slightly damp trestles tables… German oyster plates and English cake forks…..


… after the market finished we packed up and came back home and I got stuck into this wonderful cookery collection from Penguin….


… poked my head into the hen house to see what the girls had been up to ….. they had been busy too….. paying their rent… ha


… Timothy O’s elderflower is bloomin’ blooming…. we are planing to make syrup for spring time cordial ….. we then started to watch Seven Years in Tibet in the early evening one of my absolute favourite films, though we both fell asleep….. ha, market days are looong


… I was up at the crack of dawn on Sunday with a plan ……Spring, bring it on…. to hit the local market and get lots and lots of seedlings and flowers for our new veggie patch…… the veggie patch was so new it wasn’t even finished when I bought these on Sunday morning…. I am a chicken before the egg kinda girl….  My family came over and we finished off the veggie patch and shovelled a few loads of dirt off the trailer to fill up the new patch….


…. I bought two bunches of these beautiful homegrown snapdragons one bunch for me and one for my mother from an older woman at the Sunday market… she grows them alongside her strawberries which she farms to encourage the bees…… Nothing beats the generous size of a homegrown bunch of flowers…. I really really really want to have a garden bed just for cut flowers…. maybe one day soon….put it on the list… The strawberry farmer lady really inspired me….


… so so pretty….. I could stare at them all day….


… I just can’t get enough of the flowers……


…. petite spinach seedlings going into the garden…..


… I picked up some Cosmos for the garden too…. I just love this time of year…..


…. hardy little plants for the rooftop garden on top of the hen house…..


…. even more Cosmos…. um, yup, I really did go a bit overboard….


…. the Gardenias are out and are transforming the air with their heady fragrance wafting throughout the house….


…. I found this old Chinese birdcage at the market and our little possum friend is still living in the basket on the left…. under a paper bag naturally…. we have named her Priscilla. She scoots out at about 6pm each evening, up out of the basket and runs along the old tin roof line… each morning I feel the basket to make sure she is back inside it and that she has made it home safe….

That was it, that was our weekend… lots of dirt under the nails and lots of digging and sowing…and maybe a few aches come today hopefully soon there will be more to share from the veggie patch…

K x


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25 Comments to “Weekend in Pictures”

  1. Great weekend. Proud as punch due to our new garden bed full of goodness. We stretched Sunday to finish her off.

  2. Beautiful photos Kara! We just planted our first veggie patch and gosh it is fun watching things grow! Have been meaning to come see you at the powerhouse but haven’t got there yet … you’re welcome to come over to our place for a coffee one day and meet Leo? Which market do you go to on Sundays … love the snapdragons!

    • Hi Sarah! How are you? How is baby Leo? Hope the house is coming together well and I can only imagine how much love is bouncing around! I can’t wait to meet Leo soon! Coffee sounds great! I go all over for markets – Chandler are pretty good and diverse. x

  3. Gorgeous photos Kara – those spring storms are pretty exciting at the moment, aren’t they? We’ve had one a day (or very early morning) almost for a week or so here in Tassie. I love that you check to see if your possum friend is safe and sound! :)

    • How is Tassie Look See? Oh I love that place! The little possum Priscilla has a boyfriend now, not so keen on him…. she doesn’t let him sleep in her basket though… ha x

  4. On one hand, I am so terribly inspired by you. However, I SO wish we lived in the same hemisphere as I am being inspired for the WRONG season! :)
    Have a fabulous week,

    • She has a boyfriend Shelley – we will have to think up a name for him too….. he sleeps on the roof, she doesn’t want to share her basket, ha x

  5. Oh wow-a pet possum! How sweet!!
    I love spring-it’s so exciting in the garden-watching everything shoot and bloom and almost grow overnight! I think that new shoot green is one of my favourite colours! We ate our first salad grown with our lettuce last night-it was delicious! x

    • Hi Ness – hope you are well. There really isn’t anything like growing your own. Bet your salad was delicious. I am really looking forward to watching the garden grow over the next few months xxx

  6. The nice thing about following blogs on the Internet is that you can experience Spring down under while you have Autumn rains in Louisiana. Love it. I will be back. Linda @Wetcreek Blog

    • Hi Linda – that is absolutely right. I love reading other blogs in the US and UK where people are starting to recluse back indoors as autumn is coming. It is such a lovely feeling to watch and be inspired by the seasons x

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