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Shelter – Chapter Two


©Kara Rosenlund

Continuing on with last weeks theme of going through my upcoming new book, I’m sharing a photograph from each chapter… a photograph which is sentimental and has a bit more of an emotional undertone.

This weeks shot is from Chapter Two. One thing which surprised me while doing this year long road trip around Australia was how much time I actually spent completely alone, as I searched for authentic homes and intriguing landscapes.

Just me, driving, alone and searching… never sure exactly what I was searching for… instead I would be listening to a feeling… that feeling of when you think you can see a photograph… something would stir within me.

I couldn’t drive past and ignore that feeling, I would need to pull over to get a sense of what I thought was in the landscape…most times, a shot was always there…

Instincts are there to be heard.

K x

P.S I’ll have more info on the book pre-order and book tour dates and travelling exhibition soon. I’m working on a rocking video to share with you first…. so sign up to the mailing list below to be the first to know more. Everyone likes to be the first to know more…


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15 Comments to “Shelter – Chapter Two”

  1. Kara, what a journey you’ve had! Love that voice that says- hop out of the car! So excited about your book release… I dont want to make you nervous but it will be huge! :). Are you still collecting shoes for the lovely ladies in Africa. Is there a suitable type? Canvas too hot? Rach

    • Hi Rachael – I am still collecting the shoes – next month they leave for Namibia, so still time. Sandals and things would be best….You are very kind re: my book I’m so excited, it doesn’t feel real yet – can’t wait for it to be out there! xx

  2. Kara, I used to walk to school along a road like this, but it had cane fields on one side, and cows on the other side, and the sun would be coming up. I then had to catch the train to the next town on one of those old trains that they had in Queensland. I hated it at the time, but looking at this photo, why couldn’t I have looked at the beauty of it, maybe a child see’s it as a long walk in the cold in winter and the heat/rain in summer and the magpies attacking me in spring………………….

    • Children see the truth and I’m sure that walk was very long!…. it is nice to reflect later in life about such simple things – things which felt so ordinary at the time, yet shaped the senses in some way….. oh those magpies! x

  3. Hi Kara
    I love your photographs ! They are stunning and capture such beauty.
    I come from France and although I miss the French countryside Australian landscapes never cease to amaze me.. When I first came here I felt overwhelmed by the vastness of the bush especially here in WA..
    I live in Perth by the ocean and the coastline and the the beaches are still so wild.
    It is important to capture that australian uniqueness and especially in the bush.
    Your photos of interiors show also so well how tough life was and still is for the farmers…that ruggedness is humbling and beautiful xxx
    We are going back to Europe until end of October and I hope I still be able to order your book .. Joelle
    so tough

    • Hi Joelle – How are you? I loved reading your comment. The vastness can be overwhelming can’t it. Oh, that WA coastline. I actually spent a little bit of time in WA shooting the book – mainly the landscapes. You are right, there is a wildness about it. It very raw; even though I grew up in Australia and am very familiar with the country’s landscapes, there was something very different and special about that coastline. Absolutely – I will make sure to arrange you a copy of the book – perhaps include your french address, the book is released not the 21st of October, though the preorder will be available in a couple of weeks. Stay in touch, K x

      • Thank you Kara..I will be travelling all over Europe until end of October..so I will contact you when I get back for the book.
        Will it be available only through mail order ? Keep up you good work ! Love it ..Joelle

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